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tv   NBC Bay Area News Special  NBC  April 20, 2013 6:30pm-7:00pm PDT

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rubbed many people the wrong way. that's what makes him valuable. the latest project, why so many americans are overweight and why it's not necessarily our fault. see if you agree. some people described him as a bully with a harvard degree. >> we have no structure. >> reporter: for years, dr. david kessler was a fixture not only capitol hill but the white house working for president bush and clinton as head of the fda. he was instrumental in the fight against big tobacco exposing years of untruts. >> we changed how people perceive the product. people were upset about that. sure. but today, we view the product for what it is, a deadly, disgusting, addictive product. >> reporter: his latest fight is against obesity and how we are being manipulated by the food industry. he's based at usf but this week
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he was spreading his message. his research began in a dumpster. you're a doctor, a lawyer, a professor. have you ever dumpster dived behind a chili's restaurant? >> you are outing me? >> i'm outing you. >> i went through the garbage. i wore gloves and i really was very interested. i would go -- i would ask for can i have the card board boxes and the cartons and people gave them to me out of the garbage. i was very interested in seeing what's in our food. when you look at it, it is just layered and loaded with fat, sugar and salt. >> you are saying it's not my fault, it's not my family history's fault, but it's exterior factors? >> it's more complicated than
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that. the fact is, what did we do in the united states? go back four or five decades. we had this problem pretty much under control. look at obesity, it's the result of the last four, five decades. what did we do? we took fat, sugar and salt, loaded it in our food. we put it on every corner, made it available 24/p. it's acceptable to eat anytime. we live in a food carnival. >> give me an example of food. at a restaurant, spaghetti and meat balls or something more processed? >> pick buffalo wings. the fatty part of the chicken, the wing, fry it in the manufacturing plant, usually. that puts 30% of fat in the wing, the water out of the wing. fried again in the restaurant.
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that's another 30% of fat in the fatty part of the chicken. the red sauce is fat and sugar. the creamy sauce, fat, sugar and salt. we are eating fat on fat. what do we expect to happen. fat, sugar and salt stimulate us. they stimulate us to eat more and more. >> you have identified in your mind the problem. what is the solution now? is there a magic wand? get rid of every chili's restaurant in the country? >> we can change how we look at big food with portion size. change how we look at pcessed foods. it's so highly processed, we used to chew on 20 to 30 times per bite. the food is so processed, anything objectionable is taken out. we are self-stimulating ourselves and just eating baby food. i think we can change how we look at food.
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i think the food industry is starting to change, too. >> he details the theories in his book called "the end of overeating" and the teen investigation, "the food is fooling you." coming up, he's the first, but won't be the last. do the warrior fans or owners care that you are gay? the first openly gaye executive in a major sport. he talks about coming out and his advice to other gay players and executives who are still in the closet. also -- >> i was curious why. what was going on? >> bronson is at it again, creating a conversation and headline with parents. what his book says about winning, losing and worrying. we're back in a moment. look at them kids. [ sigh ]
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they have no idea what it was like before u-verse high speed internet. yeah, you couldn't just stream movies to a device like that. one time, i had to wait half a day to watch a movie. you watched movies?! i was lucky if i could watch a show. show?! man, i was happy to see a sneezing panda clip! trevor, have you eaten today? you sound a little grumpy. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. welcome back to our interview special. around here, this doesn't happen often.
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the nba playoffs begin this weekend. for the second time in 19 years, the warriors are in. this story is about coming out. the president, rick welts helped define the nba, now he's helping to redefine it. what you see at a warriors game isn't much different than what you see at any nba game, plenty of glitz, glamour and hometown cheer. what's different is this man. >> it's been a wonderful journey. >> he's a successful manager. se helped rebrand the league. more recently, he resurrected her soul, splashed across "the new york times" he shared his secret and became the first openly gay executive in any major sport. >> one of the real things that kept me was the fact that nobody in a position like mine had
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taken that step. as a result, i couldn't look to see how it was going to turn out. >> reporter: it's been almost two years since welts came out. two years doesn't erase a lifetime of hiding. the sacrifices you made in terms of your partners, how difficult was that looking back now in. >> that probably was the tipping point for me. i had a relationship i had for 14 years that didn't end well. i think a lot of the reason behind that was the fact that i wasn't able to include the most important person in my life in my work environment where i spend a lot of time. at that point, a couple things happened. that happened. my mother was sick with lung cancer and, you know, i think i just made the decision. i wasn't repaired to make that sacrifice anymore and started to think about if i did this and did it in a certain way, would i have the opportunity to make a contribution to the dialogue on sexuality and especially male
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professional sports. >> no doubt there are active nba players who are gay. at some point, at what point will they feel good enough to come out? >> that's the big question, isn't it? i don't know. you know, i think it will be amazingly courageous when somebody decides to take that step. these are very young people with not a lot of life experience beyond basketball. it will happen but predicting when is a difficult thing to do. >> have you spoken to any of them and what advice or conversation -- >> no, that's -- i talked to a lot of people. i'm not going to talk about who i have spoken to. i think everyone, it's such a personal journey. it was for me. i knew when the time was right for me. somebody else will know when the time is right. i think when it happens, that athlete, whatever sport they are in is going to be surprised at
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what a positive response they are going to get from not only from fans, teammates, companies that have them as maybe endorsers. i think it's going to be a good experience. whoever that player is is suffering from a little bit from what i was suffering from and there hasn't ever been an active player who decided to take that step. it's hard to know. it's going to take a special person with the right circumstances to take that step. >> do warrior fans or owners care that you are gay or do they care and want to get to the playoff? >> it's not a topic of conversation or one they think about. it's creating a world class organization that this community, this area deserves. you know, we are doing everything in our power on and off the court to try to build something that fans can be proud of, we can have success. have success on the court and do great things. it's what we are about every day. >> right now, it's playoff time
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for the warriors. welts speaks to community groups about his sexuality and of course, basketball. from the court to campus. former u.s. labor secretary, robert rice spent decades in washington, d.c. these days he's professor of public policy. he's a colorful man what doesn't hold back giving his opinion about money and jobs. he substantiates 4' 10" he's a giant from the beltway to berkeley. >> my first whiff was this mixture of yup lip tus, marijuana and tear gas. i thought i have arrived. skts arrived as a grad state of the union. he's not just seen the world but helped create it. he worked for president ford, carter and clinton. his relationship with mr. clinton is dynamic, thanks in
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part to mrs. clinton. >> i knew bill clinton when he was 22. we were road scholars together. we were assigned at the same college in oxford and became good friends. before that, when i was an undergraduate, i knew hillary. >> did you go on a date with her? >> i think we did. >> does bill know? >> yeah. she was president of her freshman class and i was president of my sophomore class at dart mouth. the only way i could get a date was a presidential summit. >> he's still a wanted man in washington. the 66-year-old rice is old enough to now how our economic system is flawed but young enough to want to fix it. have you been saying i have been dealing with it, it's business as usual. >> everybody is fed up.
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there's more partisanship, more gridlock, more anger. >> president obama has done great things for this country. he hasn't brought the two sides together. he can point the finger at the republicans, but what does he lack in terms of not delivering cohesiveness here? >> i think the president has done almost as well as he could under the circumstances. it's a miracle he got the affordable care act through this congress. with the partisanship and the gridlock to get something like that done, amazing. >> he could be doing more to bring the two sides together? >> look, you could do more to try to socialize with members of the opposite party but i have been there. in fact, i have been there recently. i go to washington too often. i would rather not go to washington as often as i have to go there. there's no longer any kind of trust between the parties. there is a lot of distrust and
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it's not easy for a president to just snap his fingers and say everybody is going to be nice to each other. since he came into office, the republicans said almost nothing but no. >> what is the biggest misconception about our economy? >> the deficit is the biggest problem we face. the deficit is not the biggest problem we face. the biggest problem is jobs and wages and getting back growth. >> for decades we have been told don't tax the upper class because the less tax they have the better it is for the middle class, true or false in. >> false. the idea that people at the top are the job creators belies -- the truth about the economy is the middle class they are the job creators because their spending creates jobs. >> so many people have been sold on this for years. >> i don't know why. trickle down economics.
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if you give more tax breaks to people at the top and companies at the top, you are going to create jobs has been proven over and over again to be false. >> amazing insight from robert rice. >> take a look at your hand. it's telling you something about your future. >> wheb you meet a ceo do you look at their fingers? >> i did. >> best selling author, bronson talks about the fascinatingfind. he talks about the length of your fingers. we are back in two minutes.
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he's one of the most celebrated writers in bay area history. many people don't know he lives here. seven books, millions of copies sold. what po bronson is writing about has parents buzzing about their own behavior and their kids behavior. he also has us measuring our
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fingers. usually the words take flight and end up on "the new york times" best seller list. for almost 20 years, phillip bronson who goes be po was praised for his writing and back in the day for his looks. 1999 the sexiest author alive. >> so embarrassing. >> you a days you find bronson at the headquarters of the youth soccer league. he's not only the president but he's studying the behavioral habits of the kids. >> i was coaching the team. the kids started playing in fourth grade. a lot of them were the best and now they were playing the other best teams. not all handled it the same way.
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some kids didn't handle the sense of having to compete at all. i wondered why. what is going on in their psychology to try to understand these differences in performance. >> you write about it in the book, if i'm a worrier versus a worrier. >> there's a genetic element that affects how dopamine is in your frontal cortex of your brain. when you are not stressed, normal every day life going about your business, getting your work done, you have a cognitive advantage, ten iq points, as long as there's no stress. under stress, you see this flip-flop. the warriors now their brains work optimally. >> so many things. can i go through some with you? >> yeah. >> this is now from parent to
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parent. teenager who is take the s.a.t. in big venues do worse than smaller venues. >> isn't that crazy. think of it this way. this is another experiment. they sit you down and give you a test and say you are competing against nine other people to see who is going to win. sometimes they say you are competing with 99 other people. when competing with 99, the odds of winning are a crap shoot. now i have a chance. they work harder and apply themselves more. >> i had everyone do this. if your ring finger is bigger than your index finger it means what? >> you are more prone to risk taking, respond to competition and you are comfortable being aggressive. it means you have spatial ability. >> how do you rank there? >> i would hold it up to the
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camera. this is my ring finger, it's longer than my index finger. this means i'm a risk taker. yeah, it's quite a bit longer. differences are very minute. on average, women have a longer index finger. the question is why. this is crazy. this couldn't be a measure of risk taking an entrepreneurship. they have done studies with 3,000 entrepreneurs. they could tell this tracked with how big their company was and how fast it was growing. >> when you meet a ceo, do you look at their fingers? >> i did. i saw gavin newsome earlier today, the former mayor of san francisco. he's a friend. i shook his hand and handed him
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a copy of my book. i said let me see your hand. he said what are you doing. >> very colorful guy. bronson talking about gavin newsome. he also sat down with us and gave us a surprising answer when we asked him about being relevant in his current political role. stay with us. i knew there were a lot of tech jobs available out there. i knew devry university would give me the skills that i needed to make one of those tech jobs mine. we teach cutting-edge engineering technology, computer information systems, networking and communications management --
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the things that our students need to know in the world today. our country needs more college grads to help fill all the open technology jobs. to help meet that need, here at devry university, we're offering 4 million dollars in tech scholarships for qualified new students. learn more at
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he's no longer the mayor of san francisco but still making headlines. gavin newsome called to legalizing marijuana here in california. he spoke candidly about his current low profile position. do you miss being relevant on a daily basis? >> partially and partially not. i don't miss getting booed when i walk into a movie theater. trust me, there are plenty of examples of that when you are with your kids. now i don't have to worry about that. >> he might have to worry add it
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soon after an unsuccessful run as gov in 2010. that's going to do it for us tonight. if you would like to see any of these segments, you can view them on interview. have a good weekend.
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community left in shock. boston. the victim as nation tries to cope. hi everybody. welcome to "access hollywood". weekend edition. i'm shaun robinson. this has been a very tough fast moving week following the boston marathon bombing an as the development continue to unfold as to why, how and who, the cable news outlet looking to be the first to brick big news. the pace at which things are changing started picking up on wednesda wednesday. >> arrest has been made in the investigation. dramatic shift. >>reporter: at 1:45 cnn john king reported an arrest first. >> big brick through came. video from the department stor store. >> fox followed moments later. first attributing to the a p then sort the arrest themselve themselves. >> an arrest has been made. >> nbc kept cawyer us approach. >> some rapid movement in the investigation. we see a whole lot of conflicting reports. no arrest has been made. >>reporter: within 35 minutes the backtracking began. cnn
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beener announcing arrest taken down replaced by breaking news reflects on us and people talk to for reliable sources. clearly something afoot today and now you have people who are out there pulling back some and we need more information e-celeb right to twitter to show disapproval. eric stone cnn best improv ever and comedian damion saying cnn al gore won florida. >> death toll remains at 3. >> are you kidding me. this is happening? ♪god bless america ♪ hundreds gather at candle light vigil to rert i thinkest victim 8-year-old martin richard. today show was there. >> somebody wagon having a bad day. he would smile. >> so many stories of people who have gone above and beyond and i think that's the beauty
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of in a terrible tragedy leak this, our nation comes together and people pull together. >>reporter: then came friday development about the than credible suspect and hollywood rally behind boston. >> older brother killed. >> while they wereen beginninging in gun fir they were also using explosives. >> officer started yelling get down get didn't. >> discovered app ied strapped to his chest. >>reporter: boston on lock down. police search door to door for suspect no. 2, boston told no driving. don't open businesses. stay at home. >> the suspect may driving a 93 99 green honda civic. as i have been speaking to you, the connecticut police have resippeded this bulletin. >> turn yourself in if you are


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